Monday, July 14, 2014

well, hello again!

so I've been a little...distant...lately. We had a rough year last year. Like seriously rough. And when things get rough, we go into survival mode. I've been retreating and healing. Here's a short summary of how the end of 2013 went:

  • July: my husband's sister passed away unexpectedly at the age of 39 from MS
  • August: we found out we were expecting another baby (not bad news! but read on...)
  • September: I suffered a miscarriage. We found out through an ultrasound. There was no longer a heartbeat. We found this out the day before my grandfather passed away. Then two and a half weeks after that my husband's brother was found unconscious on the sidewalk and rushed to the hospital. He was in a coma for two weeks, and a team of amazing doctors and nurses worked diligently to save his life. He is still recovering from that, and it was a most difficult time for all of us. 
  • October: just when I felt we couldn't handle any more bad news, my husband lost his job

Have you ever felt like the punches will never end?! 

At times like these we count our blessings and trudge forward. 

Here were are at the end of all of this heart-wrenching chaos. My husband found another wonderful job (thank you, Lord!), and we have been blessed with another baby (expected due date is December 24th). And it's another boy! While we were really hoping Zoë would get a little sister, we know that ultimately God has a plan and that's always better than anything we plan. And He must think we're pretty awesome at raising boys. Or maybe He knows we wouldn't be able to handle more than one girl. Hehe!

I hope to start writing more soon. Not for anyone but me. I talk myself out of not writing most days because I'm too afraid that someone might read it and will see I'm, well, amateur. I have to remind myself that I'm not trying to win any literary awards, so I need to learn to take it easy and don't try so hard and just say what I want to say. 

If anything, I'd appreciate prayers. From anyone who thinks about us. We are still recovering from last year, and things can still be scary for us. 
